Wednesday, 8 October 2014

A Chaos Joint!

In a Universe not so far away
Lies a never ending alleyway
Full of thoughts with no point on the thoughtful quay
So works the mind, a chaos joint

With twists and turns that become a part of our life
You never know whats a jolly ride and what may become a strife
Studying each move with a rationale knife
So works the mind, a chaos joint

One may see his distant dreams become a reality
Only to realize, he has a somewhat different propensity
Flooding you with the unquenchable thirst of a little more time
So works the mind, a chaos joint

A stride into the future, leaving the soul into the past
Seeing those fleeting thoughts abnormally blown apart
Making a beeline, diverge like a casanova's heart
So works the mind, a chaos joint

Overwhelmed with a problem you dont want to miss
Comes a moment of joy when you pull a solution out of abyss
Patting itself, while riding this caravan of bliss
So works the mind, a chaos joint

Feeling annoyed at the noise around you
Sit a while alone and see the uneasiness brew
Reflecting in silence as this loneliness grew
So works the mind, a chaos joint

Having fun like a teenager in a party
And going all wise in an official repartee
Changing persona in this acclimatizing marquee
So works the mind, a chaos joint

Writing this doggerel from every thought that crosses
Trying to figure out who is the winner and who bears the losses
Detaching itself from the body it houses
So works the mind, a self-proclaimed chaos joint

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